CS | January 24, 2010School Design Meetings This Week
The presentation of the Design Document for the School Board to consider has been moved to a Special School...
CS | January 22, 2010Central Intermediate’s Operation Mardi Gras
CIS is kicking off the Mardi Gras season here in Louisiana by helping troops overseas through the Soldiers...
CS | January 22, 2010Weekly Sports Update
THIS WEEK: CHS Boys Basketball 1/19: CHS 59, Walker 49 CP Boys Basketball 1/19: CP 60, Silliman 47...
CS | January 22, 2010Message from Senator Vitter on Spending
The following is an update from Senator David Vitter about government spending. (Central Speaks does not support one...
CS | January 21, 2010Weekly City Update
The city has issued a reminder about the sign ordinances in the city of Central. Political candidates and...
CS | January 21, 2010Canned Goods Needed for Food Pantry
St. Alphonsus Catholic Church runs a St. Vincent DePaul food pantry that provides non-perishable food items for those...
CS | January 21, 2010Saints Day at Central Intermediate
Tomorrow, Friday, January 22 is Saints Day at Central Intermediate School. In celebration of the Saints playing in...
CS | January 21, 2010Bellingrath Student & Faculty of the Month
Bellingrath’s December Student of the Month was Arrington Douglas. She received a certificate of recognition at last week’s...
CS | January 20, 2010Justin Schopp Named CHS Student of the Year
Justin Schopp has been chosen as CHS’s Student of the Year. Finalists were Kelsey Frazier and Amy Holmes. Judges chose the three finalists...
CS | January 20, 2010Weekly Schools Update
Registration for LEAP testing for non-public school students is open from January 18 through January 29. The LEAP...