CS | February 11, 2010Weekly City Update
The CANDIDATES for the March 27 election have been announced. The final qualifying date was last Friday, February...
CS | February 11, 2010CHS Boys Rebound after Loss
The Central High boys basketball team suffered a loss to Denham Springs last Friday, but they did not...
CS | February 11, 2010Highest Level of Accreditation for CHS
Central High School was visited by an accreditation group last week, February 2nd and 3rd. The team was...
CS | February 11, 2010Bad Weather Expected This Evening
Showers today will turn into freezing rain tonight, possibly with a bit of snow. As another cold front...
CS | February 11, 2010Meet & Greet with the Mayor Postponed
There was a meet and greet scheduled with Mayor Mac Watts this evening (Thursday) at 6 PM at...
CS | February 10, 2010Candidate Bios
Central Speaks does not endorse any specific candidates for election. Candidates have been contacted and asked to submit bios...
CS | February 10, 2010Weekly Schools Update
Next week is Mardi Gras. Because the schools did not need to use the allotted contingency days for...
CS | February 9, 2010CHS Bowling & Golf Win on Monday
The Cental High School golf team got off to a good start to the season on Monday, tying...
CS | February 9, 2010CMS Boys Basketball Team Wins District
Congratulations to the Central Middle School 8th grade boys basketball team. The Wildcats, who finished their season last...
CS | February 9, 2010Weekly Chamber Update
The 4th Annual Krewe de Centrale Mardi Gras Ball was this past weekend, and it was a great...