CS | April 7, 2010Mrs. Dykes Receives Grant for CHS
Mrs. Cindy Dykes, who is the Business Education teacher for CHS, wrote a grant proposal for the H&R...
CS | April 7, 2010Central Baseball Falls to Zachary
The Wildcat varsity baseball team played a home game yesterday (Tuesday) against Zachary. Central, who has been alternating...
CS | April 7, 2010Cookin’ behind the Scenes
Cookin’ in Central had its final planning meeting on Tuesday, April 6th at Elegant Memories on Frenchtown Road....
CS | April 6, 2010Baseball Games This Week
The Central Private baseball team plays today (Tuesday) at 6:30 vs. ACCS at home in a district game....
CS | April 6, 2010Weekly Chamber Update
Ochsner Announces the Grand Opening of "The Family Birthing Center" ribbon cutting ceremony being held on Saturday, April...
CS | April 5, 2010Reminder: Lovett Rd. Construction Today
Lovett Rd will be closed between Sullivan Rd. and Lovett Rd Park on Tuesday, April 6 from 8...
CS | April 5, 2010Neighborhood Watch Meeting Tonight
The East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office will hold a Neighborhood Watch Informational meeting to help neighborhood associations set...
CS | April 5, 2010Jackie Brewer Will Be Missed
Jackie Brewer was a lady who will be remembered and missed for a long time in the Central community, as...
CS | April 5, 2010Remember to Send in Your Census
This is simply a reminder that 2010 Census forms are due to be mailed in now. If you...
CS | April 5, 2010Cookin’ Meeting Today
The Cookin' in Central planning meeting is today, Tuesday, at noon. Everyone is invited to attend the meeting...