CS | November 23, 2010Reminder to Sponsors of Kinsley Basketball Tournament
Submitted by Wyndi Bonvillain Reminder for sponsors of The 32nd Annual Charlies T. Kinsley Basketball Tournament: For those...
CS | November 23, 2010Council Affirms Attorney-Client Privelege, Votes Unanimously to Minimize Redactions
By Dave Freneaux In a special called meeting Monday morning the Central City Council voted unanimously to waive...
CS | November 23, 2010Bellingrath Lakes Road Repair to Continue
By Dave Freneaux In the Monday called meeting of the City Council, PEC Engineers reported on its findings...
CS | November 23, 2010CPS Basketball Team Wins Silliman Tournament
Submitted by Ed Palubinskas Last weekend, the Central Private basketball team won the Silliman Tournament in stunning fashion. The...
CS | November 22, 2010Raffle Tickets On Sale to Help Central Deputy’s Son
Submitted by David Barrow Cpl. Michael Zachary, who is in our K9 Division and works extra duty for...
CS | November 22, 2010St. Alphonsus Kindergarten Students Learn about Planting Corn
Submitted by Amanda Firmin The Kindergarten classes planted two seeds of corn at the start of their Native...
CS | November 22, 2010Last Weekend’s DWI Checkpoint & Accident Information
Submitted by David Barrow Six people were arrested early Friday morning, November 19 for DWI during a sobriety...
CS | November 22, 2010The First Thanksgiving
By John Green Time: Eleven months after their arrival in America in September or early October 1621,soon after...
CS | November 22, 2010“Remembering Our Children Service” December 12th
Submitted by JoAnn Stein The death of a child at any age is devastating. The darkness that sets...
CS | November 19, 2010Christmas Pet Portraits Saturday at Smooch My Pooch
This Saturday (tomorrow), there will be a Christmas Pet Portrait opportunity at Smooch My Pooch (Wax Road next...