CS | January 19, 2011Special Thanks from the Chamber of Commerce
From the Chamber of Commerce weekly newsletter The Central Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the following...
CS | January 19, 2011Please Keep Ditches and Drains Clear
Submitted by David Barrow, Assistant to the Mayor's Office Reminder: Please DO NOT sweep leaves and yard material...
CS | January 19, 2011Today’s Events
The following events are scheduled for Today, January 19th. All of these events are open to guests and...
CS | January 19, 20111/27 Board of Adjustments Agenda
AGENDA CITY OF CENTRAL BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:00pm Kristenwood Building 14025 Greenwell Springs Rd....
CS | January 19, 20112011 CAYL Coaches Meeting Tomorrow
Submitted by Cathy Hernandez CAYL will have a coaches meeting at Central Middle School in the cafeteria on...
CS | January 19, 2011It’s T Time! Are You Ready?
It’s that dreaded time of the year when we all start gathering together the information and forms such...
CS | January 19, 2011St. Alphonsus Basketball Wins the St. George School Tournament
Submitted by Mike Breaux Pictured above is the St. Alphonsus 6th Grade CSAL Basketball Team: 1st Row...
CS | January 19, 2011Celebrate Central’s Rotary Club
By Mia Freneaux; Photos Submitted by Kenny Wall The excitement that existed 5 years ago when Central became...
CS | January 19, 2011Update: Frenchtown Road and the Central Thruway
From David Barrow, Assistant to the Mayor's Office There have been numerous questions from residents lately regarding the...
CS | January 19, 2011Central Chiropractic Center Has Grand Opening
Photo by Dave Freneaux The Central Chiropractic Center, located at 8755 Sullivan Road, had its grand opening and...