CS | June 15, 2011Donations Being Sought for St. Alphonsus Youth Garage Sale
Submitted by Lynette Shaffett The St. Alphonsus youth group will be hosting a garage sale in the Family...
CS | June 15, 2011Central Chamber of Commerce Holds June Membership Dinner
Submitted by Chamber President Ron Erickson The City of Central Chamber of Commerce held its June “Membership Luncheon”...
CS | June 15, 2011Friends of Scouting Meeting This Friday to Continue Fundraising Efforts
Submitted by Brockwell Bone The 2nd Friends of Scouting meeting is being held at Kristenwood this Friday, June...
CS | June 15, 2011Cookout for the Constitution Being Hosted Monday by Republican Women of Central
Submitted by Betsy Barnes Monday, June 20th at 6:00pm Kristenwood in Central An all-American evening event to celebrate...
CS | June 14, 2011Menchie’s Holds Ribbon Cutting with Central Chamber of Commerce
Menchie's in Central held their grand opening ribbon cutting on Friday, June 10th. They were joined by Chamber...
CS | June 14, 2011Metro Councilman Trae Welch Holding Metro 1 Meeting Tonight in Chaneyville
Submitted by Lisa Rioux Metropolitan Councilman Trae Welch, District 1, will host a Metro 1 Meeting on Tuesday,...
CS | June 14, 2011CCSS Human Resources/Policies Committee Meeting Tonight
Submitted by Tracy Barnes The CCSS Human Resources/Policies Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at the...
CS | June 14, 2011Found Puppy
Puppy Found on Hooper Road near Shoe Creek on June 9th. Male – mix breed? Please contact Brockwell...
CS | June 14, 2011Society of History Meeting Next Monday at Central Library
Submitted by Vicki Carney Central/Greenwell Springs Area Society of History Vicki Carney – President 261-8824 or 2381-9058 Meeting;...
CS | June 14, 2011Community Health Fair June 25th
Submitted by Rosetta Larrieu Community Health Fair , a collaboration between St. Luke and Magnolia United Methodist Church,...