CS | July 13, 2011CCSS Curriculum/Instruction/Accountability Meeting Thursday
Submitted by Tracy Barnes There will be a meeting for the CCSS Curriculum/Instruction/Accountability Committee on Thursday, July 14th...
CS | July 13, 2011Frank Ragsdale & Mayor Harold Rideau Join Central’s Joan Lansing on Lane Board of Commissioners
Submitted by Delores Sutton Frank Ragsdale and Mayor Harold Rideau were recently appointed by the Metropolitan Council of...
CS | July 13, 2011McDonald’s Named Central Bloomers Landscaping of the Month
Submitted by Bren Truett McDonald's on Hooper Road definitely has the “wow” factor the Central Bloomers Garden...
CS | July 12, 2011Grace UPC VBS Begins Next Week
Submitted by Grace UPC Grace United Pentecostal Church, 13845 Hooper Road, invites children ages 4 – 12 to...
CS | July 12, 2011CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastors Association
In our society, we value control. We like it when the outcome of a situation comes under our...
CS | July 12, 2011Entergy & LSU Install Electric Vehicle Chargers on Campus
Submitted by Mary Broussard Entergy and LSU Install Electric Vehicle Chargers on Campus, Celebrate First Charge LSU is...
CS | July 12, 2011CCSS Student Services Committee & HR Policy Committee to Meet Wednesday
Submitted by Tracy Barnes The Student Services Committee & HR Policy Committee will meet tomorrow- Wednesday- at 6...
CS | July 12, 2011Tonight’s City Council Meeting Agenda
From the City of Central website City Council Meeting Agenda- Tuesday, July 12th, 6 PM at Kristenwood I....
CS | July 11, 2011Mike Strain to Speak at Wednesday’s Chamber Luncheon
From the Chamber Newsletter On Wednesday, July 13 we will have the honor of having Commissioner of...
CS | July 11, 2011Ochsner Health System Will Offer First eICU Program in Louisiana
Ochsner Health System has signed an agreement with Philips VISICU to implement its state-of-the-art eICU Program to...