CS | July 20, 2011Building Permits Slow During June
From the City of Central Building permits slowed during the month of June 2011 within the city of...
CS | July 20, 2011CCSS Free/Reduced Meal Plan
Submitted by the Central Community School System The Central Community School System today announced its policy for free...
CS | July 19, 2011LDRC Town Hall Meeting & Cooking in Central Meeting Tonight
This evening (Tuesday), there will be two meetings of interest to the general community. The first is a...
CS | July 19, 2011In Memoriam: Raymond J. (R.J.) Morgan
Raymond J. Morgan (R.J.) went to be with the Lord on June 27, 2011, at his residence in...
CS | July 19, 2011Nominations Now Being Taken for CHS Hall of Fame
Submitted by Sid Edwards, CHS Athletics Anyone who wants to nominate someone for the Central High School Hall...
CS | July 19, 2011Many Purchases Exempt from State Sales Tax August 5-6
Submitted by Rep. Clif Richardson's Office The 2011 Louisiana Annual Sales Tax Holiday will be August 5-6, just in...
CS | July 18, 2011Central Speaks About Fitness
“I Don’t Have Time to Workout” 10 tips and techniques for the busy individual By: Lacey Sprouse NASM...
CS | July 18, 2011Zoar Student Ministry Having Open House for Parents
Submitted by Zoar Baptist Church On Wednesday August 3 from 6:30-8 PM Zoar Student Ministry will host...
CS | July 18, 2011Brittany Kinsley & Bryan Elliser to Marry on November 11th
Brittany Kinsley of Central and Bryan Elliser of Mandeville will marry in a 7:00 p.m. ceremony on November...
CS | July 18, 2011Comite Baptist Church Invites You to VBS
Submitted by Comite Baptist Church Hometown Nazareth Where Jesus Was a Kid Comite Baptist Church Gym Sunday–Friday, July...