CS | August 18, 2011Michael Lovelady Benefit Saturday at Our Place
There will be a benefit for Michael Lovelady, who lost his house in a fire, this Saturday, August...
CS | August 18, 2011CHS Hall of Fame Nominations Due Friday
If you would like to nominate someone for the CHS Hall of Fame, please email your nomination...
CS | August 17, 2011CCSS Facilities/Equipment Committee Meeting Tonight to Consider Change Order
Submitted by the Central Community School System The Central Community School System's Facilities/Equipment Committee wil meet tonight (Wednesday) at...
CS | August 17, 2011Happy 99th Birthday!
Submitted by John Purpera, Jr. John Purpera Sr. is celebrating his 99th. birthday August 22, 2011. He and...
CS | August 17, 2011“Sid Edwards Show” Evolving to Include More Community Information & CP Sports News
Press Release Two new features are now part of The Sid Edwards Show. Airing each Thursday night,...
CS | August 17, 2011City Council Districts Public Meeting Tonight
There will be a public committee meeting tonight (Wednesday) to discuss options for Central City Council Districts. Everyone...
CS | August 17, 2011Lady Rebels Go Undefeated in Fastpitch Tournament
Submitted by Central Private School The Central Private Lady Rebels Fastpitch Softball Varsity Team claimed victory and went...
CS | August 17, 2011Letter to the Editor: A Happy Ending
Thanks to the story in the paper, Molly was returned to her parents. After a long 6 days...
CS | August 17, 2011St. Alphonsus Holding Blue Mass on September 11th
Submitted by St. Alphonsus Blue Mass – Sunday, September 11, 2011, 10:00 a.m. mass. The Blue Mass began...
CS | August 17, 2011Gregg & Tammy Vanveckhoven Welcome Daughter Abigail Rose
Gregg and Tammy (Tate) Vanveckhoven are proud to annouce the birth of their daughter, Abigail Rose. Abigail was...