CS | October 10, 2011Central Kiwanis Installs New Officers
Photo by Michael Spangler for Expressions Photography The Central Kiwanis Club welcomed new members and installed new...
CS | October 10, 2011Relay for Life Meeting Thursday
There will be a Relay for Life organizational meeting this Thursday, October 13th at 6 PM at...
CS | October 10, 2011Five Goals for the Next Four Years
An Opinion Column by State Treasurer John Kennedy Louisiana will shortly be electing a governor, other statewide...
CS | October 10, 2011OLOL Children’s Hospital Mansion: Vision Becomes Reality
ABOVE: Standing: Lynda Evans (VP of CRBA), Wayne Dodge (Pres of CRBA), John Paul Funes (OLOL Foundation CEO),...
CS | October 6, 2011Fire Prevention Week Is October 9-15
What’s the best way to protect your family from fire? Be ahead of the game, of course. When...
CS | October 6, 2011Optional Community Chorus Rehearsal Monday
There will be an optional extra rehearsal for the Central Community Chorus this Monday, October 10 at 6:30...
CS | October 6, 2011CMS 7th Grade Finishes Season with a Win
Submitted by Josh Kennedy The 7th grade ended their season last night 3-3 with a 18-12 victory over...
CS | October 6, 2011CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastors Association
As I have walked into several stores in the past few weeks, I have noticed something very strange!...
CS | October 6, 2011Piping Problem in New Schools; Delay Will Not Affect School Opening
By Dave Freneaux The specifications for the piping in the heating and air conditioning in Central's new schools...
CS | October 6, 2011Irregularities Found in Hodges & Mannino Campaign Finance Reports
By Dave Freneaux The Louisiana Ethics Administration oversees all financial disclosure and reporting by candidates for public office...