CS | October 24, 2011Covenant Cares Fall Festival This Saturday
Covenant Cares and Fall Festival Saturday October 29 12:00 to 3:00 PM New Clothes Give-A-Way (Adults – Teens...
CS | October 21, 2011Pet Owners: Vaccinate Your Animals against Rabies
Press Release: City of Baton Rouge The East Baton Rouge Parish Animal Control & Rescue Center is reminding...
CS | October 21, 2011Voter Turnout Is Key – GO VOTE
While it seems obvious, it s worth saying a few days before an election, especially in a City...
CS | October 21, 2011Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, EBR Sheriff among Races on Saturday’s Ballot
Saturday is an important election in our City and our State. Central Speaks would fi rst remind you...
CS | October 20, 2011Night on the Bayou Tonight
A Night On The Bayou featuring Troy Landry from “Swamp People” TONIGHT at the Central High Gym! Doors open...
CS | October 20, 2011CHS Reading Coaches Thank Ross Tire & Service
Wednesday, Mrs. Bordelon and other CHS faculty and staff honored Lucky and Juanita Ross for their contribution of...
CS | October 20, 2011Central’s Kristy Simmons Named National Nurse of the Year
Photo by Chuck Fazio Central’s Kristy Simmons was honored as National Nurse of the Year by the American...
CS | October 20, 2011Indian Mound Baptist’s Fall Festival This Sunday
Indian Mound Baptist is having their Fall Fest this Sunday at 5 PM for ages 4 yrs through...
CS | October 20, 2011Berean Ministries Harvest Party This Friday
Berean Ministries (6565 Morgan Road) will hold their Harvest Party this Friday, October 21, 2011 at 6 PM. ...
CS | October 20, 2011Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...