CS | January 12, 2012Central Speaks Publishing Tomorrow
Central Speaks has pushed publication of this week’s paper to Friday due to some complications on the technical...
CS | January 11, 2012Central Lodge 442’s Paul Lawrence Receives Past Master Apron
Submitted by Robert Lee On Thursday, January 5, 2012, Paul Lawrence, Worshipful Master of Central Lodge #442 F&AM...
CS | January 11, 2012Victory Student’s Petition Earns Day Off for Championship Game
Submitted by Cheryl Averette Before the Christmas holidays Will Aaron, an 8th grade Victory Academy student, approached Principal...
CS | January 11, 2012Local Student Graduates Summa Cum Laude from LSU
Rachelle Kusch received a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Louisiana State University in December 2011. She graduated...
CS | January 10, 2012Kristen Tate, Derek McKey Wed August 26 at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
Kristen Rose Tate and Derek Scot McKey were married in an evening ceremony August 26, 2011 at...
CS | January 10, 2012Regular Screenings Can Catch Cervical Cancer at a Curable Stage
By Keith Elbourne, M.D., Bayou Regional Women’s Clinic If you are a woman between 35 and 55 years...
CS | January 10, 2012LHSOA Meeting This Sunday
Submitted by Paul Dufour The Baton Rouge Softball Chapter of the LHSOA will hold a Membership Meeting at...
CS | January 9, 2012School Board Meeting This Wednesday – See Agenda Below
AGENDA SCHOOL BOARD MEETING January 11, 2012 6:00 PM Central High School Theatre 10200 E. Brookside Drive Central,...
CS | January 9, 2012Lost Dog
Female Brindle Boxer Lost Off Magnolia Bridge Rd. Please call 573-5413.
CS | January 9, 2012CCSS Facilities/Equipment Meeting Tuesday
Submitted by the Central Community School System The Facilities/Equipment Committee will hold a meeting Tuesday, Januaqry 10 at...