CS | January 26, 2012Say it Again… “Coach Sid”: Sid Edwards Returns as Wildcat Head Football Coach
By Dave Freneaux Sid Edwards has been named Head Football Coach for Central High...
CS | January 26, 2012Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | January 26, 2012Sign up Now for ACT Prep Class
Ms Freeman, faculty member at CHS, will be offering a night time ACT prep class Feb 2 and...
CS | January 26, 2012Ribbon Cutting and Open House Tomorrow at Magnolia Square
You’re Invited to the Magnolia Square Ribbon Cutting & Open House WHEN: Thursday, January 26, 2012 5:30p.m....
CS | January 26, 2012Reminder: Car Seat Check Saturday
Car Seat Check Event: Saturday, Jan 28, 2012 10am until 2pm Central Fire Department, 11646 Sullivan Road...
CS | January 26, 2012Ribbon Cutting at Central Office Park Tomorrow
You are cordially invited to celebrate the Ribbon Cutting of our new location on January 27 at...
CS | January 26, 2012Want to Help a Good Cause and Win Free Groceries?
Every time you shop at Oak Point in Central, for each $1 you donate to Cooking in Central,...
CS | January 26, 2012Gator Baseball Fundraiser Tomorrow
"Gator Baseball Fundraiser Jambalaya Lunch $7 11a.m.-till Jan.27th @ Zoar Baptist Church Help get these boys to OMAHA!"
CS | January 26, 2012Parent/Student Meeting Tonight for Senior Project and TOPS Info
Parent/Student Meeting Jan. 26, 6:00 pm, Theater Important Senior Project & TOPS Info: the senior project info is VERY...
CS | January 25, 2012Volunteers Needed Tomorrow for Awards Luncheon
Volunteers are needed on Thursday, January 26, 12:15 – 1:30 in the library for the Accelerated Reader First Semester Top...