CS | February 14, 2012From Northern Lights to Friday Night Lights
Submitted by Terry Landry Martin Sandvik is a 17 year old from Bodo, Norway....
CS | February 14, 2012Being Reasonable with New Year’s Resolutions
Joseph Halphen PA-C Lake After Hours Central Approximately forty-four percent of Americans make New...
CS | February 14, 2012Greenwell Springs Baptist Hosts Annual Spring Festival
Greenwell Springs Baptist Church 7th annual Spring Festival and Craft Fair Friday, March 2nd from 4pm-9pm and Saturday,...
CS | February 14, 2012Zoar Baptist Church Garage Sale March 2-3
Zoar Baptist Church Corner of Hooper and Joor Rd. Garage Sale Friday, March 2nd & Saturday, March 3rd...
CS | February 14, 2012Guest Speaker Coming to Friendship Baptist February 26-29
Submitted by Friendship Baptist Church Foreign missionary and pastor, Bro. Ed Lacy, will be guest preaching a sermon...
CS | February 13, 2012Tuesday’s City Council Agenda
From the City of Central website, www.CentralGov.com I. Preliminary Business 1) Call to Order 2) Invocation and...
CS | February 13, 2012Lousiana School Superintendent Visits Tanglewood Elementary
Newly appointed Louisiana School Superintendent John White visited Tanglewood Elementary on Wednesday and was taken on a...
CS | February 13, 2012Coming to Central to Help You and Your Business: the LSU Mobile Classroom
The LSU Mobile Classroom will be coming to Central February 28th and 29th at Central City Hall,...
CS | February 13, 2012Central Economic Development Foundation Meeting Wednesday
Central Economic Development Foundation will be having its next meeting February 16th at 5 pm in Central...
CS | February 13, 2012Amber Lakes Homeowner’s Association Meeting February 20
Amber Lakes Homeowner’s Association Meeting at Central Fire Department on Monday, February 20th at 6:30pm. We are encouraging...