CS | July 11, 2012Mosquito-Bourne Disease Alert
From EBRP Mosquito Abatement West Nile Virus (WNV) infection rates in Southern House Mosquitoes...
CS | July 11, 2012Denham Road Speed Limit to be Reduced
CS | July 11, 2012Central Planning & Zoning Agenda for 7/26/12
AGENDA CITY OF CENTRAL PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:00pm Kristenwood Meeting Facility 14025 Greenwell Springs...
CS | July 11, 2012Facilities/Equipment Committee Meeting Tonight
The Facilities/Equipment Committee will meet on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at the Central School Board Office, Suite 4, at 6:00 P.M....
CS | July 11, 2012Sullivan’s Hardware Holds Open House in Honor of Owner’s 20th Year in Business
It is hard to believe it has been 20 years of hardware business for me....
CS | July 11, 2012Healthy Recipe: All the Fixins
By Rachel Firmin We all know Louisiana has the best food in the...
CS | July 10, 2012Central Bulldogs Win CAYL Tournament
Submitted by Clint Artieta The Central Bulldogs amassed a record of 19 -1 by winning the...
CS | July 10, 2012Correction: RWC Virtual Baby Shower on July 18th, not 19th
Republican Women of Central will be hosting a "Virtual Baby Shower" to benefit the North Baton Rouge...
CS | July 10, 2012Building Permits on Pace
From the City of Central Building permits remained on pace in the month of...
CS | July 10, 2012Central Community School System Welcomes James Henderson as Music Coordinator
This school year, Central is welcoming James Henderson as the new Music Coordinator for Central...