CS | August 27, 2012Sign Up Now for the Blackwater UMC Pumpkin Patch Car Show
Submitted by Blackwater UMC Blackwater United Methodist Church, 10000 Blackwater Road, will be having their...
CS | August 27, 2012Disabled Vets Using RV Purchased by Cooking in Central for Hurricane Evacuations
Submitted by Cooking in Central Sgt. Michael McNaughton, Disabled Veterans Association has contacted Cooking in...
CS | August 27, 2012CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastor’s Association
“Now unto the king eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor...
CS | August 27, 2012Myranda and Christopher Mayo Wed in Comite Hills
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mayo exchanged vows on August 4th in Comite Hills on the grounds...
CS | August 27, 2012Local Students Make Dean’s List at LA Tech
Congratulations to the following students for making the Dean’s List at Louisiana Tech! Jada M. Bishop,...
CS | August 24, 2012EBRSO Apprehends Man in Numerous Central Vehicle Burglaries: Detectives Identify “Bike Burglar” Thanks to Community Involvement
From the EBR Sheriff’s Office East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Deputies along with Armed Robbery and...
CS | August 24, 2012Central Fire Department Holds Fundraiser for Lawson Hebert
The Central Fire Department held a fundraiser Saturday to raise money for the family of Lawson...
CS | August 24, 2012Dedication & Tours of New Schools This Saturday
The formal Dedication Ceremonies for the New Middle School and New Intermediate School will be...
CS | August 24, 2012Roundabout Delay May End
The Roundabout under construction at the entrance to the new school facility on Sullivan Road...
CS | August 24, 2012Baton Rouge Girl Scouts Holding Recruitment Events Next Week
NEW ORLEANS (August 22, 2012)— Girl Scouts in Baton Rouge are holding two recruitment events next week...