CS | September 20, 2012Public Meeting Monday with FEMA
By Dave Freneaux Council Member Aaron Moak has called a public meeting for Monday, September...
CS | September 20, 2012Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | September 20, 2012The C4 Report from the City of Central Chamber of Commerce
Win-Win Last week we held our monthly Members Luncheon meeting at Kristenwood. Over 60 people...
CS | September 20, 2012PSC Eric Skrmetta will Address Pachyderms of GBR
Submitted by Joyce C. LaCour Public Service Commissioner, Eric Skrmetta, will be the featured speaker at thePachyderms of Greater...
CS | September 20, 2012Upcoming Guests on The Central Business Report Radio Show
PRESS RELEASE THE CENTRAL STORY 9-18-12 This week’s scheduled guests on Tuesday night’s The Central Business...
CS | September 20, 2012Planning and Zoning Commission Agendas for Next Week’s Meeting
AGENDA CITY OF CENTRAL PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, September 27, 2012 6:00pm Kristenwood Meeting Facility 14025 Greenwell Springs...
CS | September 20, 2012CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastor’s Association
Deal with Your Own Baggage Mark Twain once asked a baggage handler on a passenger train...
CS | September 19, 2012Message from Grace Church About Parking
Submitted by Grace Church Sorry No Parking! Grace Church, located on Hooper Road across the street...
CS | September 19, 2012CMS Student Cast in Holiday Movie
Submitted by Tina Kaufman Brock Kaufman, a Central Middle School 7th grade student, recently was cast...
CS | September 19, 2012Patterson Homes Wins Curb Appeal Award
Submitted by Patterson Homes, LLC Patterson Homes, LLC was recently awarded Best Curb Appeal in the 250K and...