CS | November 9, 2012CCA Forum November 20 Featuring Sheriff Gautreaux
Submitted by CCA The next Central Community Alliance public forum will be held on Tuesday,...
CS | November 8, 2012SLYFA Teams Head to Playoffs
Submitted by Heather Erickson; Check out the newspaper next week for team photos! Congratulations to...
CS | November 8, 2012Local Family Runs MADD Dash
Submitted by Debbie Dougherty Recently, Alpha Omicron Pi had their annual MADD Dash for Mothers Against Drunk...
CS | November 8, 2012Bert Neal Honored by NRPA
Bert Neal, retired Director of Recreation for the Recreation and Park Commission for East Baton...
CS | November 8, 2012Agenda Items for November 15 Planning & Zoning Meeting
City of Central Planning Commission Public Hearing Cases (New Business): SS-27-12 Subdivision of Tract E...
CS | November 8, 2012October 2012 Building Permits Update
Press Release, City of Central During the month of October 2012 in the city of...
CS | November 8, 2012Central Community Thanksgiving Service Wednesday
The Central Community Thanksgiving Service will be held this Wednesday, November 14th at 7PM at Greenwell Springs Baptist...
CS | November 8, 2012Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | November 8, 2012Johnny’s Pizza House Now Open
By Wayde & Daniell Sutton There are plenty of choices when it comes to pizza...
CS | November 8, 2012Michael Faulk Named LASE Superintendent of the Year
Last Friday, the Central Community School System received a phone call from the Louisiana Association of...