CS | April 23, 2013Eric and Vanessa Collins Welcome Daughter Anslee Soredjo Collins
Eric and Vanessa Collins of Central are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Anslee...
CS | April 23, 2013CAPA Corner: Meditation
If I allow myself, I can get so uptight, stressed and unsettled, especially when I...
CS | April 22, 2013Agenda for Tonight’s School Board Meeting
The School Board will meet on Monday, April 22, 2013 at the Central Middle School Cafeteria at...
CS | April 22, 20135K Coming in June to Help Fund Community Walk/Bike Path
The Color in Motion 5K is coming to Central on June 29th. The event will be held...
CS | April 22, 2013Festival of Two Rivers April 26-28
The Festival of Two Rivers is coming next weekend to St. Alphonsus! Friday, April 26th, the...
CS | April 22, 2013Join Central Cleanup Day April 27
Join Central Leadership for Tomorrow (CLT) at 8AM on April 27th for the Second Annual Central...
CS | April 22, 2013Wildcat Scramble Coming in June
CS | April 22, 2013Fr. Mike Moroney Named Distinguished Pastor of 2013
Submitted by St. Alphonsus Fr. Mike Moroney from St. Alphonsus Church in Greenwell Springs has been...
CS | April 22, 2013Wildcat Track Going Strong
April 4 Woodlawn Meet Stats Craig Jones: 1st in triple jump & long jump Dillon Brumfield: 2nd...
CS | April 19, 2013Health Update: Childhood Obesity
Joseph Halphen PA-C, Lake After Hours Central Childhood obesity has both immediate and long-term effects...