CS | May 9, 2013April 2013 Building Permits
From the City of Central During the month of April 2013 in the city of...
CS | May 8, 2013Agenda for Finance Committee Meeting Tonight
The Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 in the meeting room of the Central...
CS | May 8, 2013Michelle Adams Escher Named Surgical Services Director
Submitted by Lane RMC Michelle Adams Escher, RN, has been named Director of Surgical Services at...
CS | May 8, 2013Joshua and Megan Richard Welcome Daughter Livia
Joshua and Megan (Bateman) Richard of Zachary are proud to announce the birth of their daughter,...
CS | May 8, 2013CCAF Raffle – Donate to Win!
Central Community Assistance Foundation (CCAF) distributes school supplies to students (public, private, or homeschooled) who...
CS | May 8, 2013CHS PTO Awards Scholarships to Four Outstanding Seniors
Submitted by DeeDee Dupree Each year the CHS PTO awards four $500 scholarships to qualifying...
CS | May 8, 2013CHS Class of 1963 Planning 50th Reunion
Reunion Committee members present at the April meeting were (front, l-r) Sylvia Browning Carroll, Betty Jane Noble Black,...
CS | May 7, 2013Central Lodge Honors Past Masters
L-R: Paul Lawrence, James Esch, L. W. Alexander, Jewel Wilson, David James, Harold Ballard, Randolph May and Robert...
CS | May 7, 2013CMS Choir Gets Top Ratings
Submitted by Trey Miller, Choir Director On Thursday, May 2, students from the Central Middle School...
CS | May 7, 2013Josh and Ballard Mann Welcome Son Jackson Chapman
Josh and Ballard Jackson Mann of Central are proud to announce the birth of their first...