CS | May 20, 2013CCA Forum This Tuesday with Superintendent Faulk
This Tuesday, May 21st at 7PM, the CCA Public Forum at DEMCO on Wax Road will feature Superintendent...
CS | May 20, 2013Letter to the Editor: Thank You to a Special Mom
Last year, Central Speaks put on “Central Speaks about Our Mothers,” wherein community members sent in letters about...
CS | May 16, 2013CCSS Committee Meeting Tonight to Discuss Playground Equipment
The Facilities/Equipment Committee will meet tonight, Thursday, May 16, 2013 in the meeting room of the...
CS | May 16, 2013CAPA Corner
I heard a comedian the other day say that he had lost all hope in...
CS | May 16, 2013Central Private Track Girls Take Third at State
Submitted by Stacey Beck For the third consecutive year the Central Private Girls relay team competed...
CS | May 16, 2013Lady Wildcat Katie Flowers Selected for LA East All-Star Team
By Lynn Barkston; Photo by Michael Spangler Katie is a senior at Central High School. She...
CS | May 16, 2013“Gotta Move” Girls’ Sports Camp Coming to CMS This Summer
Submitted by Central Middle School The 2nd annual Gotta Move girls’ sports fitness camp will be...
CS | May 16, 2013Central Memorial Day Service Next Thursday
Next Thursday, May 23rd, everyone is invited to share in the celebration of the City of...
CS | May 16, 2013Inspiring Grad Shares Secret of Success
By Mia Freneaux; Photo by Courtney Browning Tomorrow Cassie Guilbeau will walk across the stage at...
CS | May 16, 2013Republican Party Established in Central
Press Release The incorporators of the City of Central Republican Party, Inc. are pleased to announce...