CS | May 30, 2013BR Metro Airport to Fly In Moore Dignitaries
In the aftermath of the tornado that devastated Moore, Oklahoma, “Cooking in Central” is returning...
CS | May 29, 2013Local Dancer Selected for Summer Program
Local dancer, Aubrie Juneau, auditioned for the Nashville Ballet’s Summer Intensive and the Joffrey School Summer...
CS | May 29, 2013Cooking in Central Meeting Tomorrow
Reminder – Cooking In Central Public Meeting Thurs. May 30th at Elegant Memories at 6:30pm
CS | May 29, 2013Alaina Kent and Dillon LaCour to Wed in June
Alaina Kaye Kent of Pride and Arthur Dillon LaCour of Batchelor will marry in a 5:30pm...
CS | May 29, 2013CHS Bowling Fundraiser This Saturday
Submitted by Coach Godley This Saturday (June 1st) the Central High Bowling Team will be doing...
CS | May 28, 2013Agenda for Tonight’s HR/Policies Committee Meeting
The Human Resources/Policies Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 in the meeting room of the Central Community...
CS | May 28, 2013In Memoriam: Charles “Tommy” Forest
Charles Thomas “Tommy” Forest, 2 Timothy 4:6-8 “For I am now ready to be offered,...
CS | May 28, 2013New Radiation Oncology Center Breaks Ground at Lane
L-R: Frank Ragsdale, Chairman, Lane RMC Foundation; Evelyn Hayes, MD, Interim President & CEO, Baton Rouge General; Randy...
CS | May 28, 2013Agenda for Tonight’s City Council Meeting
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 AGENDA 6:00 PM The rules for conducting such public hearings are as...
CS | May 28, 2013Cane’s Rewards Tanglewood Students for Cooking in Central Fundraising Efforts
Written by Brittany Smith, Tanglewood Technology Teacher & Leslie Pierce, Speech-Pathologist- Central Community Schools Three classes...