CS | June 20, 2013Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | June 20, 2013BRCC – Central Campus This Fall
Senator White and Mayor Watts are pictured above inside the facility with Chancellor Andrea Miller and Vice Chancellor for...
CS | June 20, 2013BRCC – Big News for Central
I believe the full impact of Baton Rouge Community College coming to Central will not be...
CS | June 20, 2013City of Central Chamber of Commerce C4 Report: Sullivan’s Hardware Says, “I’m In!”
The best part about being in the City of Central Chamber of Commerce is the chance...
CS | June 20, 2013Central Community Theatre Presents Annie, Jr. This Weekend
Submitted by Central Community Theatre Central Community Theatre will present Annie, Jr. at the Central High...
CS | June 20, 2013Council Member Washington Switches Parties, Junior Shelton Changes Mind on Mayor’s Race
On June 17th Central Council Member Ralph Washington, a long time Democrat, filed paperwork with the...
CS | June 20, 2013CAPA Corner: Religions all have this in common – They are humans’ search for God
Apostle Paul captures and condenses this in a grand letter we know as Romans in the...
CS | June 19, 2013Healthy Recipe: Farmer’s Market Vegetable Lasagna
By Rachel F. Johnson I have loved being a part of the Central Square Farmer’s Market...
CS | June 19, 2013Moratorium on New Commercial Building Permits in Central
From the City of Central At the city council meeting on June 11, 2013, the city...
CS | June 19, 2013Central Lodge Update
Left to right: Ben Melancon, DDGM, Lyman Parker, WM, Central Lodge #442, Ronald Bailey, Sr. Warden, Trinty Union...