CS | August 7, 2013In Memoriam: Mary “Volean” Davis Hughes
Mary "Volean" Davis Hughes, born in Baton Rouge on March 8, 1939 and a current resident...
CS | August 7, 2013CHS First PTO Meeting Next Thursday
Submitted by CHS PTO The CHS Parent Teacher Organization has set their first informational meeting for...
CS | August 6, 2013Central School Zones in Effect
School Zone times for Central Schools: Bellingrath Elementary: 7:15 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. ; 2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m....
CS | August 6, 2013Lady Katz Tryouts Sunday
Lady Katz 8u Coaches Pitch Tournament Team Tryouts Sunday, Aug. 11th, 4:00 pm at Central High Softball Field Contact...
CS | August 6, 2013CAPA Corner: Stand Firm for the LORD
“Hey, try this!” So begins many temptations to do something we should NOT do. I remember...
CS | August 6, 2013CIS Honored at Old State Capitol
Submitted by CIS Recently, Donna Lee, teacher at Central Intermediate School, and two of her students,...
CS | August 6, 2013Local Edward Jones Associate Honored for Client Service Excellence
An Edward Jones Branch Office Administrator has been honored for her client service excellence. Staci M Pomeroy works at the branch office of Chris Choate in Central. This...
CS | August 5, 2013Special P&Z Meeting Tonight
AGENDA CITY OF CENTRAL PLANNING and ZONING COMMISSION Monday, August 5, 2013 6:00pm Central City Hall 13421 Hooper...
CS | August 5, 2013Lane Raising Funds to Bring Cancer Treatment Closer to Home
An article in last week’s Central Speaks went into detail about Lane Regional Medical Center’s current...
CS | August 5, 2013Cooking in Central Board Members Elected
The Cooking in Central annual board election was held on July 29th and about 60 members...