CS | August 26, 2013Drama & Music for Kids at Friendship Church
Submitted by Friendship Church Friendship Church, on the corner of Comite Dr. and Blackwater Rd, is opening its...
CS | August 26, 2013Girls Invited to Dance with “Pointe of Grace” at Grace UPC
Submitted by Grace UPC Grace Presbyterian Church (9526 Joor Road) invites girls ages 4 through 14 to participate...
CS | August 26, 2013Tonight’s School Board Meeting Agenda
School Board Meeting 8/26/2013 – 6:00 PM Central High School Theatre 10200 E. Brookside Drive Central, LA Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order 2....
CS | August 26, 2013Central Relay for Life: Honoring, Remembering, Searching for a Cure
Central Relay for Life is happening on November 16th here in Central. Relay for Life exists...
CS | August 23, 2013Stab’s Steak & Seafood Opens at Magnolia Square
Kevin Kimball (pictured above), general manager of the newly opened Stab's Steak and Seafood Restaurant, is...
CS | August 23, 2013“The Louisiana Beat” Coming to the Governor’s Mansion
Submitted by Betsy Barnes Louisiana’s musicians and political legends will be celebrated at the “Louisiana Beat!”...
CS | August 23, 2013Local Gymnast Goes for Gold
When most high school juniors are getting home and getting on Facebook, Carol Crochet is hopping...
CS | August 23, 2013Summer Russum named Community Relations Coordinator at Lane Home Health
Summer Chustz Russum has been named Community Relations Coordinator at Lane Home Health. She will be...
CS | August 23, 2013MePa’s Burgers & Shakes Is Shaking Up Their Menu
MePa's Burgers and Shakes is offering new menu items! Still serving their signature home-style cooking and...
CS | August 22, 2013Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...