CS | February 13, 2014Wildcats Defeat Yellow Jackets
Central High Boy’s Basketball played Denham Springs last Friday, February 7th. The Wildcats won with a...
CS | February 13, 2014CHS Powderpuff Game Next Thursday
On February 20th at 6:30 the Central High School Sports Medicine Department is hosting the 7th annual Powder...
CS | February 13, 2014Doug Welborn & Dave Freneaux Tonight on 910AM
EBR Clerk of Court and Central resident Doug Welborn joins Dave Freneaux and Les Bueche tonight on...
CS | February 13, 2014Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | February 13, 2014Lost and Found Pets in Central
CS | February 13, 2014In Memoriam: Larry Foil
Larry Foil, 77, a resident of Central, LA, passed away on Friday, January 31, 2014. He...
CS | February 12, 2014Citius – Altius – Fortius. Faster – Higher – Stronger.
By DeeDee Dupree Perhaps no other symbol is more easily recognizable to athletes from every race,...
CS | February 12, 2014Four CHS Wrestlers Medal At City Tournament
Pictured are Dalton Holdman, Russell Ball, Ryan Huffty, Austin Gouedy, and Coach Justin Stafford. ...
CS | February 12, 2014CAPA Corner: The Resolution is a Revolution!
Do you remember one of the AT&T commercials a few months ago with the man and...
CS | February 12, 2014Central Chamber of Commerce: Price Co Supply Says “I’m In”
“Matt and Kathleen, owners of Price Co Supply Company, are proud to be a part of...