CS | April 11, 2014Easter Egg Hunt Sunday
Blackwater United Methodist church will hold their annual Easter Egg Hunt this Sunday, April 13 from 2-4. Fun...
CS | April 10, 2014Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | April 10, 2014New Mayor, Police Chief, Council Elected; BREC Renewal Passes
On April 5th, Jr. Shelton was chosen as the new Mayor of Central with 4,546 out of...
CS | April 10, 2014Political Sign Reminder
All campaign signs for mayor and chief of police, as well as all council signs except for...
CS | April 10, 2014Elections & Gymnasiums
I would like to first wish our newly elected and re-elected Mayor, Chief of Police and Council...
CS | April 10, 2014Runoff between Jason Ellis & Ralph Washington
Council candidates, in order to be elected in last Saturday’s primary election, needed to have more than...
CS | April 10, 2014Central Speaks – Every Home, Every Week
Central Speaks has been mailing direct to virtually every home in Central for the past six weeks....
CS | April 9, 2014“Coffee with a Cop” Thursday Morning
This Thursday, APril 10th, come to Central McDonald's at the corner of Joor and Hooper from 7 to...
CS | April 9, 2014CHS Choir Earns Top Scores at Festival
The Central High School choir department is wrapping up an amazing year. On March 12, the CHS Concert...
CS | April 9, 2014CCA Forum April 15th
The next CCA Forum will be held Tuesday, April 15th at DEMCO. Metro Councilmen Trae Welch (Dist 1)...