CS | May 9, 2014Todd McClure and Coach Sid Edwards Lead 2014 CHS Youth Football Camp
The 4th annual Todd McClure/Coach Sid Edwards CHS Youth Football Camp will be held June 16-18 from...
CS | May 9, 20142014 CHS Summer Volleyball Camp Coming June 16-19
The 2014 Central High School Summer Volleyball Camps will be held June 16-19 from 9:00am-12:00pm and are...
CS | May 9, 2014Central Basketball Youth Camp Begins Soon
Central Basketball youth camp is June 2-5 this year. This is one of the biggest and best...
CS | May 9, 2014Central Nurse Spotlighted During National Nurses Week
Pictured: Kristy, center, with her son Thomas, a CHS senior and daughter, Elizabeth, a NICU nurse at Woman’s...
CS | May 9, 2014CAPA Corner: The Crown of Life
James 1:12 “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive...
CS | May 8, 2014EBRSO Solves Break-Ins
David Roy Davis of Baton Rouge was arrested April 30th and charged with two counts of...
CS | May 8, 2014“Fishing for Kenlie” Youth Benefit Fishing Tournament
The Fishing for Kenlie Youth (14 and under) Benefit Fishing Tournament will be held on May 17,...
CS | May 8, 2014Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | May 8, 2014Jason Ellis Elected to City Council
Newcomer Jason Ellis won the fifth and final position on city council in Central’s first ever runoff...
CS | May 8, 2014Academic Excellence Banquet
On Wednesday April 29th the Central Community School System held its 1st annual Academic Excellence Banquet. Students from...