CS | October 21, 2009Central Veterans- Did You Know?
Central has its own chapter of Veterans Helping Veterans. The purpose of this organization is to support and...
CS | October 20, 2009Join The Mayor’s 100 Club and Help Our Soldiers Overseas
Citizens of Central are invited to become part of the Mayor’s 100 Club. This is an effort to...
CS | October 20, 2009Temporary Signs- Did You Know?
Banners and portable signs in the city of Central are considered temporary signs and may not be displayed...
CS | October 20, 2009CMS Playing in Football Championship Saturday
The Central Middle Wildcat football team has a perfect 7-0 record this year. Because of the trmendous...
CS | October 19, 2009Sullivan Center Sidewalk Celebration
On Saturday, October 17, the businesses in Sullivan Center, the shopping center on Sullivan Road behind Sullivan Hardware,...
CS | October 19, 2009CHS In Need Of Some Items
The Central High School drama department is looking for a spinning wheel to borrow for their production of...
CS | October 19, 2009Central Private School- Did You Know?
Founded in 1967, Central Private School began with 6 classrooms and 47 students. It now contains 49 classrooms,...
CS | October 18, 2009Recycling- Did You Know?
While you can recycle many types of cardboard cartons, you cannot recycle pizza boxes, frozen food containers, or...
CS | October 18, 2009Weekly Church Update
Life Tabernacle Church now runs a bus route every Sunday morning at 8 AM to pick up anyone...
CS | October 18, 2009Upward Basketball & Cheerleading Registration Deadline
The Deadline to sign up for Upward Basketball and Upward Cheerleading is next Monday, October 26. Upward sports...