October 28 Planning & Zoning Agenda
Submitted by David Barrow
The City of Central Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 6:00pm at Kristenwood Meeting Facility, 14025 Greenwell Springs Rd, Central, LA 70739 to consider the following item(s):
RZ-05-10 Rezoning This property is located on the north side of Lovett Road just east of the intersection of Joor Road and Lovett Road, on a portion of lot I-1-A.
The applicant is proposing to rezone from LC-2 (Light Commercial Two District) to C-AB-1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverages One District) so that a proposed restaurant may serve alcohol. (Applicant: Amber Martel)
RZ-02-09 Rev Concurrent Site Plan Revision This property is located on the north side of Lovett Road just east of the intersection of Joor Road and Lovett Road, on lot I-1-A. The applicant is requesting a revision of the site plan that was originally approved by Central City Council on July 14, 2010. (Applicant: Amber Martel)
SPUD-01-09 Small Planned Unit Development Revision This property is located on Lot 4-B-2-A, being on the west end of Wax Road Extension near the Sullivan Road intersection in Section 68, T-6-S, R-2-E, GLD, EBR, LA. The applicant is proposing the second phase of a Small Planned Unit Development consisting of office, commercial retail uses, and townhomes. (Applicant: Jeff Couvillion)
SS-17-10 Subdivision with Waiver This property is located at the end of Roundsaville Road on Tract A of the Henry H. Bozeman Tract in Section 32, T5S, R2E, GLD, EBR. The applicant is proposing to subdivide one lot into two on an existing private servitude of access with a waiver request of Section 13.6 (I)(4) of the Unified Development Code. (Applicant: Henry Bozeman)
SS-19-10 Subdivision with Waiver This property is located on the east side of Blackwater Road north of the Hooper Road intersection on Tract G-1 of the H.O. Denham Estate in Section 80, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBR. The applicant is proposing to subdivide one tract into two while dedicating an existing drive with a waiver request of Section 13.6 (I)(4) of the Unified Development Code. (Applicant: James Aaron)
S-C-1-06 Extension of Preliminary Plat Approval for Woodstock Subdivision: Second Filing This property is located near Planchet Road east of the intersection with Thibodeaux Road immediately north of Woodstock First Filing. The applicant is requesting a (6) six month extension of the preliminary plat approval. (Applicant: Tugwell Development)
Amending Unified Development Code
1. An Ordinance To Amend and Re-Enact Chapter 4 (Permits and Final Plat Approval) of Title 7, the Unified Development Code and to Provide for Related Matters (Councilman LoBue)
2. An Ordinance To Amend and Re-Enact Chapter 19 (Amendments) of Title 7, the Unified Development Code and to Provide for Related Matters. (Councilman LoBue)