
From the Mayor’s Desk- October 7, 2010

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     With the School Board election of October 2nd behind us we now have two new School Board members.  I would like to say congratulations and welcome to Roxanne Atkinson and Jim Lloyd.  I know you will join the sitting board members in continuing to move our school system forward in an effort to achieve the academic excellence its founders envisioned.

     I also would want to recognize two of our first school board members who chose not to seek re-election, Marty Gilbeau and Russell Starns. Gentlemen thank you for stepping up to help create this school system.  Your tireless efforts and vision are coming to fruition as seen in the site of the new school on Sullivan Road.   You are both very much appreciated.  We look forward to your continued support.



    I have met with Johnny Dykes, Director of the East Baton Rouge Parish Council on Aging, and Metro Councilman Scott Wilson concerning developing a Council on Aging in Central.  We are moving forward with this and are seeking a location. The plans are, once we have a location in place, we will begin having social activities, possibly Monday through Thursday 9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

    I would very much appreciate some input from our Senior Citizens as to what activities you would be interested in having provided.  Also, any other suggestions will be welcomed.  Email me at [email protected] or call Charlotte at City Hall, 261-5988.  Please be sure to provide your name, address and phone number.



Provided by Roy Hutchinson, Project Manager

August 2, 2010 –August 31, 2010

Public Works: The Public Works Department issued a total of 119 work request:

1) Litter Control – total of 5 work orders:  ALL COMPLETE

2) Roadside Mowing – Total of 26 work requests – 25 COMPLETE – 1 PENDING

3) Pothole (patching) Maintenance – Total of 23 work requests – 22 COMPLETE – 1 PENDING

4) Traffic Sign Maintenance – Total of 10 work orders – ALL COMPLETE

Of the 119 total work requests: 90 are Completed Work Orders, which is 76% of total work Requests, 29 are Pending, which is 24% of total work requests

Permits: There were 102 Building Permits issued. 

Planning and Zoning: There were 30 P&Z requests processed.

Occupational Licenses: There were 12 Occupational Licenses processed.

Building Inspections: There were 322 Inspections, which included: 278 Residential Inspections, 44 Commercial Inspections

Code Enforcement: There were 21 Code violations investigated and 16 letters of violation issued.



    Our Wildcats took Memorial Stadium last Friday night and ruled the roost.  Central beat Catholic High 29-13 to continue our winning streak of three in a row!!


Now for more exciting developments:

    We need YOU, the community,  to attend the WAFB  Pep Rally, this Friday, October 8th from 6:00 -7:00 A.M. at the Central High Gym.  **Please arrive at 5:30 A.M. to back those Wildcats!!  This will be televised live on the Friday morning show on Channel 9.

    Also, Stick around after the game Friday night.  Our School Board members will be taking on our City Council Members in a football game!  ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT CANCER RESEARCH.


    Our Central Private Rebels fought a hard battle against Bowling Green Friday night.  The final score was Central Private 16, Bowling Green 18.  Be sure to get out Friday night and support our C.P. Rebels!  



    Thank you to Sandra K. Brown of Brown and Company 13421 Hooper Road, for pro-bono notary services provided for the City of Central.  And last but certainly not least, I want to thank my wife Loretta, for providing dinner for the council and their wives after the council meeting last week.  Looking forward to more occasions like this!


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