
Weekly Chamber Update

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Ochsner Announces the Grand Opening of "The Family Birthing Center" ribbon cutting ceremony being held on Saturday, April 10th at 10AM at 17000 Medical Center Drive, Baton Rouge. All Chamber members are invited! 

Mark your calendars for the following dates:

Apr 6
Cooking in Central Meeting 12noon @ Elegant Memories
Apr 10
Grand Opening at Ochsner
Apr 12
School Board Meeting 6PM @ Kristenwood
Apr 13
City Council 6PM @ Kristenwood
Apr 14
Chamber Membership Meeting 11:30AM @ Kristenwood
Apr 16&17
Cooking in Central @ Magnolia Square

Cookin' in Central is still in need of donations and volunteers. You can find details under the Community section on You are welcome to contact the Chamber at 261-5818 if you find a way you can help.