
City Council Meeting Tuesday

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CityHall1bThe city council will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23 at the Central High School Auditorium.  The meeting is open to the public.  The agenda is below.

I. Preliminary Business
1) Call to Order
2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3) Roll Call
4) Approval of the minutes from the June 9, 2015 council meeting

II. Unfinished Business

III. New Business
1) Mayor’s report and presentations.
2) Report from James Salsbury, City of Central Chief of Police, concerning law enforcement within the City of Central and introduction of two (2) additional reserve officers. 
3) Report from David Ratcliff, IBTS Program Manager, concerning services through May, 2015 provided to the City of Central.
4) “University of Louisiana-Lafayette Survey and Report” by Chief Administrative Officer David Barrow.
5) Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the July 14, 2015 council meeting):
6) Public Hearing and action regarding the following instrument(s):
a) Acceptance by City of Central Police Department of an enclosed trailer and golf cart donated by City of Baton Rouge Constable. (By Council Member Evans)

IV. Zoning Cases
1) Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the July 14, 2015 council meeting):
2) Discussion and action regarding the following case(s):
a) CUP-3-15 Conditional Use Permit – Retail wine sales and wine tasting room. An ordinance to grant a Conditional Use Permit for property located at 13623-G Hooper Road which is on the northeast corner of the Hooper and Sullivan Road intersection on the former J.J. Robinson Tract in Section 5, T6S, R2E, GLD, EBR, LA for the sale and consumption of alcohol on site and to provide for related matters. Applicant: Comite River Bee Company, LLC (By Council Member Ellis) Commission Action (May 28, 2015): A motion to approve CUP-3-15 was made by Mr. Bijan Sharafkhani, seconded by Mr. T. J. Johnson. Vote: 7 yeas (Messrs: Anderson, Burns, Johnson, Matlock, Rauls, Sharafkhani, Walker), 0 nays and the motion carried.

V. Other Business
1) Public Comment * Restricted to items not on the agenda. A Public Comment Request to Speak Card must be turned in to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting in order to be considered. Public comment is limited to 10 speakers with three minutes each.
2) Announcements
3) Adjournment