
Help Local Scouts with a Jambalaya Fundraiser

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    Cub Scout Pack 13 is a non-profit organization out of Blackwater Methodist Church in Central. Several boys in the organization are financially unable to participate in the Scouts’ monthly activities and camping trips. Additionally, one of the Assistant Cub Masters, who has dedicated lots of his time and resources to the Pack, recently found out that he has six months to live if the doctors cannot figure out why his health continues to deteriorate.  With these two things in mind, a group of parents and assistants in the Pack got together recently and came up with an idea to do a jambalaya fundraiser to help both the needy Scouts and the Assistant Cub Master. The jambalaya sale will be November 15th from 10AM to 2PM at Blackwater Methodist Church’s Gym. The cost per plate is $8.  Any support or donations from community members would be very much appreciated.

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