
CAPA Corner

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    Whether we know it  or not we are influenced by the things around us. Everything we see, hear, taste, smell, and touch has an effect on our character, behavior, and development.  Today we live in a culture that is saturated in social media and more: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Xbox, PlayStation, Apps, Texting, Tweeting, etc., etc. … pictures upon pictures and videos after videos and games upon games. The hours spent on these sites as well as others are countless.  We are greatly influenced by all of this having negative effects on our character, behavior, and development. To be fair, there are positive aspects to some of these things like the ability to communicate to family and friends that are long distance and presenting the gospel of Christ to hundreds at a time just to name a few.  In my opinion the negative influences outweigh the positive.  
    What we need today is more godly influences in our life. How can we achieve this? First and foremost make Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Secondly, forsake sin. Jesus began his ministry preaching, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  And thirdly, follow Jesus.  Follow him by praying, studying God’s holy word, having fellowship with other believers, and worshiping God in spirit and truth.  Jesus said to his disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”
    More godly influences in our lives means operating under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Most of us are familiar with the acronym D.U.I. – Driving Under the Influence. It can also be referred to as an O.U.I – Operating Under the Influence. This means a person was operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol – a very dangerous combination with the potential of harm and/or death. Let us who name the name of Christ operate our vehicle (our body) under the influence of the Holy Spirit – a very powerful combination with the potential of healing and life. Not only will we have more godly influences in our life we will be a godly influence in the lives of others.  Operate under the influence of the Holy Spirit and witness the life of Christ manifest in our life causing positive influence on the character, behavior, and development on us and our community. All to the glory of God, our Father, and his Son, Jesus Christ. 
    Psalm 101:3  I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
In Christ’s Love,
Kenny Kepper
Berean Ministries

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