Submitted by RWC
Republican Women of Central have established a new $2,000 college scholarship at LSU, and the first recipient will be chosen from the Class of 2014 graduates. With $500 seed money raised last March during the "Passion For Fashion" Show and Fundraiser, Exxon will match it 3 to 1 through the generosity of retiree Kenny Dougherty's retirement benefits. Exxon employees and retirees are encouraged to help with charitable contributions and apply for the matching funds for various purposes.
"A young lady in our area will be awarded the scholarship based on her academic record, community involvement, extra curricular activities and financial need," said RWC President Debbie Dougherty, Kenny's wife of 43 years. The couple have 3 daughters who have all graduated from Central Schools and 9 grandchildren, 7 of which are granddaughters.
"The importance of educating our students in Central is the main focus of our community. To be able to help a deserving young lady go to college with less financial difficulty could mean the difference between successfully finishing her first year or not. We want the first recipient to ease into this transition, dedicate themselves to graduating, represent Central's best and brightest and let us join in the celebration when they earn their degree," said Dougherty with a broad smile.
"RWC's donation of $500 plus Exxon's Employee Retirement's $1,500 will be sent to LSU for 2014 and RWC's Executive Committee will select the recipient," she explained. "We can designate the scholarship to go to any college in the state annually, and as our fund grows, so will the scholarship amount."
Young ladies graduating from Central High School, Central Private and state recognized home school programs are eligible to apply in February.of 2014. Application requirements and due dates will be publicized, and the scholarship will be awarded in April of 2014.
In January of this year, the RWC Executive Committee set their budget priorities focused on education of Central students. The highly successful March fashion show raised over $9,000, $500 of which was designated for the scholarship.
Donations by individuals or businesses to the RWC scholarship fund are being accepted year-round and can be designated for the 2015 fund or specifically the the Dictionary Project for all Central area 3rd graders. Please contact Betsy Barnes, RWC 2nd Vice President and Fundraising Chairman at
[email protected]
Additional college scholarships and internships are available annually through the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women. Scholarship information can be received by email request to
[email protected] or visiting or
RWC is quickly becoming one of the larger chartered clubs within LFRW after only 3 years of existence. All registered Republicans ages 18 years and older are encouraged to join as Active Members for $35 for ladies who are not primary members of another LFRW club and $20 for men, and ladies who are members of other clubs as Associate Members. Active members have voting rights and can serve in elected and/or appointed leadership positions.