
The Stand Student Prayer Rally

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    On Sunday night, August 11th, at 6:0pm a very significant meeting will be held at the Central High School Theater.  All students, parents, teachers, and administrators from all schools in Central are invited to join the pastors, youth pastors, and churches of Central as we ask the blessing of the LORD upon the new school year! This will be a night for students to pray for their friends, families, schools, and community.
    This includes the Central Community Schools, St. Alphonsus Catholic School, Central Private School, Galilee Academy, and Victory Academy.  We need God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit in our schools.  We need His blessing and strength to pour out on a daily basis for our great teachers, students, and administrators.  Our schools have been so blessed by God!  We must thank HIM and invite HIM into the daily activities of our schools and our lives!
The Stand Student Prayer Rally
Praying for Central Schools 
and students
August 11th at 6:00pm
Central High Theater
Please join us as we welcome God into the 2013-2014 school year!
Dick Metz, 
Cornerstone Fellowship

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