Tuesday, May 28, 2013 AGENDA 6:00 PM
The rules for conducting such public hearings are as follows:
1) In compliance with R.S. 42:14(d) and Ordinance 2011-8, members of the public will be allowed
to speak on any item upon which a vote is to be taken that is included on the agenda. The
applicant will speak first for a period not to exceed 10 minutes. Other proponents will speak next,
then the opponents. Each speaker will be allowed not more than three minutes. The speakers are
requested to limit their remarks and to avoid duplication in their presentations.
2) The proponents will be allowed three minutes for rebuttal.
3) Each councilman will be allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes to express his views on any one
subject without interruption from the other members upon initial consideration and five (5)
minutes for rebuttal.
I. Preliminary Business
1) Call to Order
2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3) Roll Call
4) Approval of the minutes from the May 14, 2013 council meeting
II. Unfinished Business
III. New Business
1) Mayor’s report and presentations.
2) Report from Dr. Marilyn Cantwell concerning Economic & Community Development
3) Report from Doug Browning, City of Central Chief of Police concerning deputies patrolling
within the City.
4) Report from David Ratcliff, IBTS Program Manager, concerning services through April,
2013 provided to the City of Central.
5) Introduction of the following item(s) (with public hearing to be held at the May 28, 2013,
council meeting):
a) An ordinance prohibiting issuance of building permits for certain nonresidential
structures within 200 feet of the right of way of certain public roads for up to 90
days and providing for related matters. (By Councilman LoBue)
b) An ordinance enacting the General Fund Budget and the Dedicated Fund Budgets
for the Franchise Fees, the Half Cent Sales and Use Tax and the Traffic
Contribution Funds for the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year and providing for related
matters. (By Councilman DeJohn)
c) An ordinance amending the General Fund Budget and the Dedicated Fund
Budgets for the Franchise Fees, the Half Cent Sales and Use Tax and the Traffic
Contribution Funds for the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year and providing for related
matters. (By Councilman Moak)
6) Public Hearing and action regarding the following instrument(s):
a) An ordinance to amend Chapter 2 of Title 9 (Licensing and regulation of trades
and occupations) to define food truck vendors and to provide for related matters.
(By Mayor Pro Tempore Washington)
b) An ordinance to amend and re-enact Section 401(B) of Chapter 4 of Title 1
authorizing acceptance of payment devices for local charges and to provide for
related matters. (By Mayor Pro Tempore Washington)
c) An ordinance to amend the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year General Fund to recognize
additional revenue for contractors’ license fees and to appropriate funds for
management fees for issuance of contractors’ licenses and to provide for related
matters. (By Councilman LoBue)
This item was deferred to the June 11, 2013 council meeting.
d) An ordinance to enact Chapter 10A of the Unified Development Code to provide
for design standards for nonresidential structures in designated areas and to
provide for related matters. (By Councilman Washington)
Zoning Commission considered the proposed ordinance at the April 25, 2013
Zoning Commission meeting to adopt architectural standards for nonresidential
structures in the City of Central along specific roadways. The item was
discussed and was deferred by the Zoning Commission for further study to be
done by the sponsor.
This item was referred to the Construction Board of Appeals for
recommendation, then to Planning and Zoning for recommendation, and
deferred back to council at the July 9, 2013 meeting.
IV. Zoning Cases
1) Introduction of the following item(s) (with Public Hearing to be held at the June 11, 2013
council meeting:
2) Discussion and action regarding the following case(s):
a) RZ-3-13 Rezoning from Rural to HC-1 (Heavy Commercial-One): This
property is the proposed Tract 2 of subdivision of a certain 21.1 acre tract
formerly of the Quentin Bourke Tract and is located on the west side of Sullivan
Road, near the Brent Avenue intersection in Section 68, T6S, R2E, GLD, EBR,
LA. The applicant is requesting to rezone from Rural to HC-1 (Heavy
Commercial One) for a lumber/ home improvement retail center. Applicant:
Darrin Vince. (By Councilman Moak)
Commission Action (April 25, 2013): A motion to approve RZ-3-13 with Staff’s
recommendation was made by Mr. Graydon Walker, seconded by Mr. Wilson
Reado. Vote: 6 yeas (Messrs: Bonvillain, Burns, Giles, Rauls, Reado, Walker),
0 nays, 1 absent (Mr. Johnson) and the motion carried.
b) SNC-1-13 Street Name Change: This street (private servitude of access) is
located approximately one quarter mile east of Frenchtown Road with access via
Central Thruway. The applicant is proposing to change the street name from
Porche Lane to A. J. LeBlanc Road. Applicant David LeBlanc. (By Councilman
Commission Action (April 25, 2013): Deferred from the March 21, 2013
meeting) A motion to approve SNC-1-13 was made by Mr. Graydon Walker,
seconded by Mr. Wilson Reado. Vote: 6 yeas (Messrs: Bonvillain, Burns, Giles,
Rauls, Reado, Walker, 0 nays, 1 absent (Mr. Johnson) and the motion carried.
V. Other Business
1) Public Comment
* Restricted to items not on the agenda. A Public Comment Request to Speak Card must be turned in to the City Clerk prior to the
start of the meeting in order to be considered. Public comment is limited to 10 speakers with three minutes each.
2) Announcements
3) Adjournment
NOTE: Pursuant to the requirements of La. R.S. 42:19, no matter may be discussed by the Central City Council unless it appears on the agenda published at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting unless the members of the council vote unanimously to take up the matter.