
Public Hearing May 23rd

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    The City of Central Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 6:00pm at Kristenwood Meeting Facility, 14025 Greenwell Springs Rd, Central, LA 70739 to consider the following item(s):
1)  EOP-3-13 Exchange of Property between Lot 8 of Greenwell Acres and Tract F-1-C-1-E of the Tommy Strain Property This property is located at the end of Greenmeadow Drive near the intersection of Greensboro Avenue.  The applicant is requesting an exchange of property between two (2) adjoining property owners. (Applicant:  Tommy Strain)
2)  SS-9-13 Subdivision of Tract E-1 of the Brady B. Forman Property This property is located on the north side of Dyer Road, west of the Brown Road intersection near the Comite River.  The applicant is proposing to create four (4) single-family residential tracts and dedicate a private servitude of access. (Applicant:  Stephen LaCour)
3)  CUP-1-13 Conditional Use Permit This property is located at 9727 Sullivan Road, south of the Brent Avenue intersection on Tract A-1-B of the former Hutchinson and Williams Property.  The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for a snowball stand. (Applicant:  Christy P. D’Armond)
4)  CUP-2-13 Conditional Use Permit This property is located at 9611 Blackwater Road, north of the Hooper Road intersection on Tracts A and B of the Carpenter Estate Property.  The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for an expansion of a church. (Applicant:  Chuck McCaskill)
5)  Ordinance to Enact Zoning Ordinance and Amend Title 7 of the Unified Development Code This amendment is to enact the City of Central Zoning Ordinance and identify and amend those portions of the Unified Development Code that remain in effect.