
Council Notes: 3/12/13

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By Dave Freneaux
    Correcting an error in an ordinance passed in 2006, this week the City Council provided that all future appointments to the Planning & Zoning Commission would be made by the Council.  Under the 2006 ordinance the Mayor was required to make those appointments.  Knowing that this legislation was pending, Mayor Watts deferred reappointment of two Commission members in January, instead allowing the Council to make those appointments under the new legislation.
    The concern most expressed during the discussion, including comments from the public, was that the P&Z Commission not lose too many experienced and knowledgeable members at this crucial time while the Master Plan and city-wide zoning decisions are being finalized.
    In other actions, the Council provided additional funding for legal fees relating to the completion of the master plan and deferred consideration of ordinances limiting door-to-door sales and a moratorium on rezoning requests, both pending further study.