
Lost Dog – Picture Posted at Central Animal Hospital

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This is a picture of our beloved 13 year old Golden Retriever named Sunni that we recently found posted at Central Animal Hospital on Hooper Road.  She ran way during Thanksgiving when she was out in the yard and was startled by an approaching thunderstorm as she has always been terrified of bad weather.  We have posted signs around Central, put 3 ads in newspaper, posted on Facebook and Craigslist to no avail.  Then last week we were in Central Animal Hospital and saw this picture posted on their bulletin board… Our Sunni! While we are happy she is alive has been in good hands, we would love to have her back in our home where she belongs.  No phone number was left on this photo and the clinic employee who wrote the number down, misplaced the paper it was written on.  We are pleading with anyone who knows the whereabouts of our dog or the person who has found her to please have them contact us or return to any veterinarian clinic to have Sunni's micro chipped scanned to locate us.  We can be reached by phone at 225-287-8854 or 225-247-8678.