
Bellingrath Hills Receives Supriya Jindal Foundation Award

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Submitted by Dana Russell
    Bellingrath Hills Elementary Kindergarten was nominated and selected to receive an award from  The Supriya Jindal Foundation for Louisiana’s Children.  The award includes classroom “center” related tools in order to support the instructional environment in the classrooms.  
    Mrs. Supriya Jindal will be at Bellingrath on November 28, 2012, to present the award to Mrs. Laurie Gehling, principal of Bellingrath Hills and all 16 kindergarten teachers.  Her visit will also include visits to the classrooms to observe the students using the new hands on tools that were awarded, and will end with her reading a book to Mrs. Jamie McCurley’s classroom.  
    Our teachers wish to thank The Supriya Jindal Foundation for Louisiana’s Children for the wonderful new materials.