
CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastor’s Association

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    As I'm writing this I'm waiting for hurricane Isaac to make landfall, but it seems to be in no big hurry-Isaac's a loafer. The buildup of these storms can be somewhat nerve wracking. As I listen to update after update, I wonder how long I can hold off before I get into hurricane mode. I really dislike hurricane mode. It starts with picking up everything in the yard that can fly when lifted by high winds and ends with a sore back. Do I have enough gas, food, ice, and what about the kids? Where are they? Did I mention that I really don't like hurricanes?
    However, there is that advanced warning thing. Most storms in life don't come with that particular option. Hurricanes give us the ability to prepare, catch our breath so to speak. Other types of storms mount their assault and quickly blindside us with no advanced warning. A death, an illness, or a broken relationship can hit hard and quick. How can we prepare? The Psalmist tells us to trust in the Lord, commit our ways to Him, and delight in His presence. He follows these statements with a command for us not to fret. Sounds like Jesus doesn't it? He taught us not to worry! Our Father knows us and understands what we need. This can be our survival plan: when we're overwhelmed: we don't look at the storm and fear; we look to the Rock, the very one who controls all of life's challenges. We can prepare for any storm right now by trusting God!
Dale Phillips, Comite Baptist