
Central Roads Safer with New Rumble Strips

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On Thursday, June 21, 2012, centerline rumble strips were installed on four roadways within the city of Central as part of a joint effort between the city of Central and LA DOTD to improve safety in several curves.  The roadways include Devall Rd, Denham Rd, Lovett Rd, and Frenchtown Rd.

The city of Central applied for funding through the Local Road Safety Program administered through DOTD through an application submitted by Chief Administrative Officer David Barrow.  Accident data was complied for these four roadways which showed the need for safety improvements in these curves. The application was approved and funding was made available through DOTD which also advertised for bids on the project.  The low bid was awarded to Highway Graphics, Inc.  The city of Central put up a 10% match and DOTD covered the remaining 90%.  The total project, including engineering fees through DOTD, was nearly $100,000.

The project involved the installation of 2.7 miles of centerline rumble strips along with 5.3 miles of reflective striping, 723 reflectors, and almost 200 curve warning signs.   Centerline rumble strips were installed last year by DOTD on Hwy 64 in the northern part of the city.  Studies show that centerline rumble strips can reduce head-on collisions by nearly 15%.

The city of Central is committed to improving safety along our local roadways.  The city submitted another application for funding through the Local Road Safety Program 2012 for curve safety improvements along Brown Rd, Carey Rd, Core Ln, Frenchtown Rd, Thibodeaux Rd, Hubbs Rd, McCullough Rd, Shady Park Dr, and Solitude Lane.  The city was recently advised that their application was approved and funding should be available later this year or early 2013 for this project.