2017-2018 City Budget Approved
An additional $197,000 for the Central Police Department and $140,000 for prosecution of code violations are the largest increases in spending for the Mayor’s 2017-18 budget. Revenues are expected to decrease $1.4 million as the increase in post flood sales taxes inflated the current year’s income by that same amount. The City Council unanimously approved the budget at Tuesdays meeting.
The Central Police Department is budgeted to add paid officers to the mostly volunteer force, in addition to purchasing more vehicles. The CPD budget was increased $197,000 from $430,000 in the current year to $627,000 for 2017-18.
Central will spend approximately $14,000 in the current year to prosecute citizens and businesses for code violations. Enforcement and prosecution activities are expected to increase with $154,000 budgeted for 2017-18.
The effects of the flood recovery expenses were significantly offset by FEMA reimbursement for 90% of qualifying expenses. However, an additional $100,000 in financial accounting expenses is budgeted for the coming year with FEMA audits likely to drive those costs up.