Central to Pay Twice for Emergency Debris Pickup
With the failure to have a debris removal contract in place for 2016, Mayor Shelton asked Central’s City Council for $20,000 to pay a local contractor to begin debris removal while the city put out a public bid for debris removal after the August flood. A local contractor was hired and worked for six days, clearing parts of two neighborhoods at a cost of $19,375. However, it appears that the City will end up paying twice to move that debris.
At the City’s instruction, the debris was taken to a temporary debris site. According to a report by GOHSEP, the state agency administering the FEMA cleanup reimbursement process, “This debris will be taken by the main contractor Crowder Gulf to final disposition at Ronaldson Field.” Crowder Gulf was awarded the post-flood debris removal contract and charges Central $11.75 per cubic yard to transport C&D debris.
Central’s Mayor Junior Shelton has declined to comment on the apparent double payment for debris removal. Central Speaks will endeavor to determine the costs of the second move once those invoices become available.