CAPA Corner
One thing is abundantly clear in our culture today. There is no shortage of words. We are inundated with more, more, more! Sadly, though, volumes upon volumes of these words we are exposed to on a daily basis are often empty and pointless. They deal with lesser things that rust and decay and are often motivated by momentary status and accolades.
There are some words, however, when heard, that forever change the listener. When a man looks into the eyes of his bride and says, "I do." Few words have such meaning and potential for change.
There are some words that when read or spoken, actually possess life, and because the are alive they take root. These are higher words or deeper teachings, that when followed – bless. The conception of these powerful words come from the mind of God and then flow into the mouths of men where they are planted within receptive hearts.
Take Peter's words for instance. "But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them: “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words."
(Acts2:14 ESV)
Following the miracle of Pentecost Peter boldly proclaimed the first Christian message. That message and the gospel that those words described, forever changed everything! They were worth hearing then, and they are of great worth today! Listen, and allow them to bring new life in you!
Dale Phillips
Comite Baptist Church