CAPA Corner: Thanksgiving
It’s Thanksgiving – one of my favorite holidays! I’m a little sad that Thanksgiving Day is becoming lost between two big financial holidays – Halloween and Christmas. Maybe considering the following reasons for thanks will be a great way to keep Thanksgiving Day in a bright place.
First, be thankful because yesterday is filled with God’s proof. The Bible urges its readers in many places to remember. The times the doctor’s report was good, the raise was unexpected, or the baby was born healthy are all proofs of God’s goodness. The singer remembered as he wrote, “My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge.” (Ps 71:15 ESV)
Second, be thankful because tomorrow is filled with God’s promise. Of the 56 times that the word tomorrow is used in most English Bibles, 30 of those times it is coupled with a promise, a reason for hope, or the anticipation of good news. In Jesus Christ tomorrow is always a day of promise. For those in Christ it is always a day to give thanks, because tomorrow means hope.
Third, be thankful because today is filled with God’s presence. What of those days when the problem just will not leave but sits on our doorstep? The weeks when pain moves into the room with us? The months that perplexity holds a lien against our house? The years of poverty of joy, peace, or gladness in our circumstances? Those are the days when we can be thankful that Jesus said, “I am with you always.” Explaining evil is a challenge to all belief systems and worldviews. Jesus Christ does not explain evil to us. But He has promised that in an evil day, He would not leave us.
I’m thankful for Jesus Christ, who rather than giving me an explanation gives me a promise of His presence.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Jeff Stanfill
Covenant Church