CAPA Corner
Creating an atmosphere of love is vital if we as Christians are to become the impacting influence Christ has created us to be.
Of course we can only present the message. It's the Holy Spirit that brings about the change necessary in every life to cause the "new creature" effect. But how we present this message is important.
Are we, as a church, practiced in projecting the love of Christ to our community? Do newcomers to our fellowships feel welcomed and valued and run headlong into the love of Christ? Or do they leave our presence having felt ostracized and judged?
Creating a loving and accepting environment takes determined effort. We must constantly be on guard for the walls of old hatreds and prejudices that seemingly spring up over night in our lives. These strongholds prevent easy access to fellowship and the healing love found in God’s presence.
Learning to love necessitates involvement on an individual level. In other words direct contact-face to face. So upon your next visit to your local house of worship-look around. Are there people present who need someone to come alongside them and just love on them? I imagine there are.
Practice begins now! Today is the day we, as the body of Christ, become that safe place where individuals can come into our midst and truly hear the message of Christ, without hearing the background noise of our judgement!
Dale Phillips
Comite Baptist Church