
Summer Guidry Honored by US Achievement Academy

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summerguidryB    The United States Achievement Academy announced today that Summer Rae Guidry from Central, LA has been recognized by the United States Achievement Academy as a student of excellence in Honor Roll, Leadership, and Student Council. This is a prestigious honor very few students can hope to attain. In fact, the Academy recognizes fewer than 10% of all American high school students.
    Summer Guidry, who attends Central Intermediate, was nominated for this honor by Crystal Franklin, a counselor at the school. Summer will appear in the United States Achievement Academy’s official yearbook, which is published nationally.
    “Recognizing and supporting our youth is more important than ever before in America’s history. Certainly, United States Achievement Academy students should be congratulated and appreciated for their dedication to excellence and achievement,” said Dr. George Stevens, founder of the United States Achievement Academy.
    The Academy recognizes students upon the exclusive recommendation of teachers, coaches, counselors, and other qualified sponsors and upon the Standards for Selection set forth by the Academy. The Standards for Selection include academic performance, interest and aptitude, leadership qualities, responsibility, enthusiasm, motivation to learn and improve, attitude and cooperative spirit, dependability, and recommendation from a qualified sponsor.
    Summer is the daughter of Kenneth and Donna Guidry from Central, LA. The grandparents are Billie Antoon of Central, LA, Henry and Christy Bozeman of Lobelville, TN, and Richard and JoAnne Guidry of Zachary, LA.